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2024 Recover & Rise Scholarship Recipients

In 2024 we received 20 applications. However, these Ten (10) students excelled & earned a 2024 scholarship. The HOPE received $1000 for her college education-related expenses. Collectively these scholarship recipients received over $5,950 towards their college-related expenses! 

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 Georgia  A.  Booth-Price HOPE
Scholarship Recipient 
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NaKoryia Jones

Hometown: Atlanta, GA

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Vianca Cordon 

Hometown: Lake Worth, FL

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Jameson Booth

Hometown: Chesapeake, VA

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Elizabeth McElfresh 

Hometown: Newport News, VA

Abbie Brown.jpg

Abbie Brown

Hometown: Fitzgerald, GA

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Tyra Kettle

Hometown: Lynwood, IL

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Sahanah Vishwanathan 

Hometown: Newport News, VA

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Halimat Hassan

Hometown: Hampton, VA

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Widjina Estime

Tristan Klompenhouwer

Hometown: Newport News, VA

Hometown: Lake Worth, FL

BEST 2024
2023 Recipients
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2023 Recover & Rise Scholarship Recipients

In 2023 we received 26 applications. However, Eight (8) students excelled & earned a 2023 scholarship. The HOPE recipient received $1250 for her college education-related expenses. Collectively these scholarship recipients will received over $5600 towards their college-related expenses. 

A. Samone McLean

Samone McLean Sr Pic.jpg
 Georgia  A.  Booth-Price HOPE
Scholarship Recipient 
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ethan k alfonso

Ethan Alfonso Senior Portrait (1).png

Hometown: Newport News, VA

Hometown: Charlotte, NC

Lisa Patel

Lisa Patel Pic_edited.jpg

Hometown: Hampton, VA

Maria tomas

Maria Tomas Cap & Gown Pic_edited.jpg

Hometown: Boynton Beach, FL

Julea Thomas

Julea Thomas Senior Pic.jpeg

Hometown: Yorktown, VA

Doc Green

Doc Green Senior Pic.jpg

Hometown: N. Charleston, SC

Chelsi Thomas

Chelsi Thomas Cap & Gown Pic.jpeg

Hometown: Brookshire, TX

Kameron mallory

Kameron Mallory Senior Pic.jpg.jpeg

Hometown: Newport News, VA

2022 Recover & Rise Scholarship Recipients

In 2022, we received ten applications, however, these SIX students excelled and earned a 2022 scholarship. The Platinum recipient will receive $1000 for her college education-related expenses. Each Gold recipient will receive $650 for their college education-related expenses.


Our sincere appreciation to every donor who made this year's scholarship possible. Thank you for investing in continuing education for these forward-striving youth.
Well Done & Congratulations Sydney, Jayden, Keza, Shelby, Mason, and Jaden!

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Sydney Watkins

Platinum Scholarship Recipient

Hometown: Montgomery, AL

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Jayden Green

Gold Scholarship Recipient 

Hometown: North Charleston, SC

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Keza Green

Gold Scholarship Recipient 

Hometown: Charlotte, NC


Mason Morgan

Gold Scholarship Recipient 

Hometown: Newport News, VA

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Shelby Graham

Gold Scholarship Recipient 

Hometown: Hampton/Yorktown, VA

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Jaden Wilson

Gold Scholarship Recipient 

Hometown: Coral Springs, FL

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2022 recipients

2021 Queen Scholarship Recipients

2021 Recipients

In 2021, we initiated our annual scholarship for high school seniors, dedicated to empowering youth. The pilot recipients, known as "IBIA Ladies", were the pioneers of our SURF class—focused on Self-Love, Unity, Resilience, and Financial Freedom. Upon completing the SURF Course and the reflective essay titled "Leave it to Lila," each IBIA lady earned a scholarship from our 3-tier program. The Honor graduate received the prestigious top-tier award of $2,000. In total, the IBIA Ladies Scholarship Pilot of 2021 bestowed over $3,500 towards their college-related expenses, leaving each recipient not only financially supported but equipped with the enduring principles of SURF, ensuring a lifetime of self-empowerment!

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Sponsored by IBIA.INC

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Nia Kinnard

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Honor Scholarship Recipient 

Hometown:   San Antonio, TX

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Ste'Jah Davis

 Scholarship Recipient 

Hometown: Lubbock, TX

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Breyanna Gilmore

Scholarship Recipient 

Hometown: San Antonio, TX

Micahya Spears.jpg

MIcahya Spears

 Scholarship Recipient 

Hometown: Montgomery, AL

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